Sunday, November 5, 2023

H2O2, Disney, the Cardinal, and the Dog

I had multiple dreams last night

Dream #1
My dad had six tanks full of hydrogen peroxide in his garage that I ignited and blew up his neighborhood. Afterward I was afraid to call home knowing I’d be in HUGE trouble. I woke from this dream relieved that it was only a dream. I was safe in my bed and none of the dream's events had actually happened. 

Dream #2
I was at a Disney sort of Board of Directors meeting where they were discussing their new business plan. The CEO held a contest to guess the cost of producing the new plan, which was $10 billion. I guessed correctly and won, but was then concerned that I’d compromised my position at my own company.

Dream #3

I was in a massive cathedral, the kind you'd imagine; tons of frescos, murals, and everything layered in obscene amounts of gold. I was waiting in a long line to be seated for a funeral for a Cardinal. It was too crowded to enter the nave so I stayed outside in the cathedral's narthex. Sitting there was a whimpering Golden Retriever. So I sat down and petted and calmed the dog instead.

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