Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Last night I had a dream in which I was in some sort of ancient temple site (think Machu Picchu, etc.) Along one rock wall was a row of tiny empty cubbyholes. About half had tiny stone-carved figures in them, the other half were empty. An old Peruvian/Incan looking man approached me and gave me a handful of figures. Some were full skeletons in a sitting position, some were just skulls. All were crudely carved in a dark grey to black stone that was porous with holes like lava rock or pumous stone is pourous with many holes. He told me these were for me to place in the empty cubbyholes.

The old man stayed right by my side as I moved down the row of cubbyholes placing a figure in each one. With each cubbyhole I placed a figure in he smiled and nodded as if he was giving me some sort of approval. With each figure I placed his smile grew bigger and his eyes has a deeper “Have you realized yet?” kind of coaxing to them. When I placed the a figure in the final cubbyhole at the end of the row and end of the wall he took my hand and walked me around the wall into a large plaza or courtyard that had long been overgrown with forest/jungle greenery.

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